How to compute your GPA

  1. Multiply the number of credits (Cr) for each class by the quality points (QP) for the assigned grade. Here’s an example of a student’s quarter:
    • ENG 1110 (5 Cr)
      Grade: B (3.0)
      5 x 3.0 = 15 QP
    • MAT 1225 (5 Cr)
      Grade: A- (3.7)
      5 x 3.7 = 18.5 QP
    • COM 1101 (3 Cr)
      Grade: B+ (3.3)
      3 x 3.3 = 9.9 QP
    • MUS 1250 (2 Cr)
      Grade: C (2.0)
      2 x 2.0 = 4.0 QP
    • Total credits: 15 (5 + 5 + 3 + 2)
      Total QP: 47.4 (15 + 18.5 + 9.9 + 4)

  2. Decide if you want to calculate your quarterly or your cumulative grade point average. Then follow these simple steps:
    • For a quarterly GPA: Divide the total quality points by the total number of credits. Example: 47.4 ÷ 15 = 3.16
    • For a cumulative GPA: Divide the total quality points earned at SPU by the total number of credits earned at SPU.

Raising your GPA

If you want to raise your GPA, follow the steps below to see if it’s possible during a current quarter:

Let’s say you have completed 30 credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.93. You are currently enrolled in 15 credits and want to know what GPA you need this quarter to raise your cumulative GPA to 3.0.

  1. Add the total number of credits you have completed to the total number you plan to complete this quarter. Example: 30 completed + 15 in progress = 45
  2. Multiply that total by the cumulative GPA you want to attain. Example: 45 x 3.0 = 135. This is the cumulative total number of quality points you want to achieve by the end of the quarter.
  3. Subtract the number of quality points you have already earned (30 x 2.93 = 87.9) from the total you need at the end of the quarter. Example: 135 - 87.9 = 47.1 This is the number of quality points you need this quarter.
  4. Divide the number of quality points you need this quarter by the number of credits you are taking this quarter to see what GPA you need to achieve your goal. Example: 47.1 ÷ 15 = 3.14. If you earn at least a 3.14 this quarter, your cumulative GPA will be 3.0.

Quality Points (QP)

Each letter grade is equivalent to a certain number of “quality points” (QP).

  • A = 4.0
  • A- = 3.7
  • B+ = 3.3
  • B = 3.0
  • B- = 2.7
  • C+ = 2.3
  • C = 2.0
  • C- = 1.7
  • D+ = 1.3
  • D = 1.0
  • E = 0.0

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*Available by appointment only

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